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Even though this semester was my final semester being a part of the Arlingtonian, I was still able to improve and grow as a journalist. The main area in which I grew was my willingness to go out and explore new areas of student life to write about. This both allowed me to expand my horizons as a writer as well as connect with the student populace, both of which are very important to being a student journalist. For example, my stories ranged from covering the upcoming class presidents, to choir, to some teachers' school lives and so on. This variety is greater than the variety I've taken on in previous semesters of Arlingtonian. Additionally, over the semester, I gradually became more acclimated with utilizing the website in a productive, meaningful way, rather than simply treating it as a place to dump stories written solely for the magazine. This ranged from my first attempt, "What Taught the Teachers" and, most recently, culminated in Molly and my video story covering the upcoming class presidents and student council co-presidents. In summary, through my work this semester, I have become a more diversified author of journalistic stories and have become more in-tune with the online realm of journalism.

I'd also like to take this time to say thank you to everyone who I have worked with for the last four years, from my first big three, to the current fab four, to Ms. Hemmerly herself. No class has helped me learn as much about the world or myself as this one has over the last few years. I look forward to seeing what the Arlingtonian achieves in the next few years, and I know that it will just continue to improve.

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